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My Word of the Year - 2024

January 18, 20241 min read

Over the last several years, I have picked a word for the year. The idea was to pick a word I could attach to the type of year that I was pursuing. For example, one year, I picked SIMPLICITY. I am one of those people who can sometimes overcomplicate things, so picking Simplicity or Simplify made a lot of sense. I wanted to simplify my routines, my work life, my home office, my strategies, and most of all, my thinking.

This year, I have not only picked a word but also added a statement that goes hand in glove with my word. Drum roll, please; my word for the year is
FOCUS, and my statement for the year is WHAT CAN I DO NOW? Adding my statement has kept me from looking back at things I cannot control. Let’s face it: too many times, our focus, conversations, thoughts, and emotions get caught up on yesterday and things we cannot control. When you stop and think about it, it’s unproductive and a big waste of time and energy. We are not even through the first month of the year, and I have had to tell myself FOCUS AND WHAT CAN I DO NOW dozens of times. I guess it’s safe to say I picked the right word and statement.

OK, now it’s your turn. What will your word and statement of the year be for you? Here’s a fun tip: write it out and put it in places where you will see it throughout the day so that it will remind you.

P.S. Please take my word and statement if it fits for you, and let’s get focused and have a great year.

Let’s Climb

Todd Stottlemyre's signature – official closing for the BeRelentless Newsletter blog post.

Todd Stottlemyre is a former Major League Baseball pitcher, entrepreneur, and bestselling author. Known for his mental toughness and leadership on and off the field, Todd now shares his insights on personal development, mental resilience, and achieving peak performance in life and business.

Todd Stottlemyre

Todd Stottlemyre is a former Major League Baseball pitcher, entrepreneur, and bestselling author. Known for his mental toughness and leadership on and off the field, Todd now shares his insights on personal development, mental resilience, and achieving peak performance in life and business.

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